The Leadership Advantage

by Nancy Vepraskas  - June 13, 2023

We want you to have what we have come to call The Leadership Advantage. This season, we are focusing on you as a leader who is constantly evolving.

This season, we are focusing on you as a leader. We believe that when everyone uses their leadership gifts, companies, employees, and customers will prosper, which will in turn mean families, communities, and dare I say the world will improve. The challenge, of course, is that we are living in a highly disruptive time. Not necessarily good or bad, but what we hope, what we expect, what we plan for is to do better and consequently create better. The work of a leader is constantly changing, and we continue to be on the steep side of the learning curve. That’s ok. In these posts, I want to focus primarily on workplace application. I know that learning and practicing in the workplace, will change the way you lead everywhere. We want you to have what we have come to call The Leadership Advantage.

The Leadership Advantage

 Impact Leaders. At work, jobs are designed and funded for impact.

  •  A Leader with Advantage knows clearly what is expected.  
  • Impact leaders know what the organization considers “Best in Class Performance”  and act accordingly.

Brand Aligned Leaders.  It’s critical to be a leader who wears a brand of consistent excellence in thought and action.  Everyone has a brand – three or four adjectives that are descriptive.  Leaders with Advantage have consciously chosen their adjectives and work to make them true.

Talent Leaders. Leaders with Advantage, are people leaders who are curious about the needs of workforces today and tomorrow. They know:

  • Organization requirements.
  • The resources required. 
  • The talent they have and the talent they need.  
  • They are cognizant of what each team member needs from a leader to do their best work.  
  • They understand and commit to the right culture building.  
  • They push for excellence, 
  • And they expect strong, positive, measurable impact every day.

Team/Peer Influencers.  It’s not enough to simply lead down – Leaders with an Advantage are seen as Leaders in their peer group.

  • They have studied the needs of other departments and the people who lead them.  
  • They come into problem-solving meetings with trust already built. 
  • They come curious and focused on supporting.  It’s the bigger win that matters.

Organizational LeadersLeaders with Advantage know and work to activate what the organization and their bosses require.

  • They lead, follow, and walk beside others to serve the needs of their bosses and the needs of the organization. 
  • A Leader with Advantage leads and manages well down and across the organization, in large part to enable serving one’s own leader.
  • And finally, the Leader with Advantage is a subject-matter expert in something the organization highly values.  It’s the thing that gets you called into the room.  The question we will pose, however, is not whether you possess a strong expertise in a particular subject-matter. Rather, the question is whether you possess a strong expertise in a particular area that is valued and required by your organization, boss, peers, and team.

We care deeply about your success.  We focus on organizational and leadership transformation.  Transformation is such a big word!  Perhaps it’s more honest to say transformation to the next step.  Because, let’s face it, there are always new steps, and climbing is challenging.  If you need support in discerning your specific leadership next step or the next step for your organization, we’d enjoy learning more.

Next month we’ll start taking a deeper dive into meaning and responsibility.  Meanwhile, take a few minutes and sort these in priority order.  Changes in which area will create your best job and career impact?  Where will you choose to add more excellence to your work? And if desired, how will you adapt these principles to the non-paid work that you engage in?

If you are interested in learning more about our Leadership Coaching programs and/or our work in Human Capital Strategy and Operational Support, please contact me at here.  I’d love to talk to you! 


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Happy Birthday America

Nancy Vepraskas

Nancy Vepraskas is a recognized expert in leadership performance, employee engagement, and culture building. Specializing in the people side of business, Nancy guides leaders in activating change, optimizing talent, and improving processes and strategies to achieve business goals. The results include happier, more motivated employees; heightened customer commitment; and improved bottom-line performance.

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