We Remember Those we Love, Those We Lost, Those Who Served

by Nancy Vepraskas  - September 1, 2020

It’s time to make the critical shift from leading the business by yourself to leading an organization of people. At P2Excellence, we help you navigate the uncharted territories of organizational growth with clarity and confidence. 

Memorial Day isn't just picnics and a trip to the beach. Something many of us will miss this year. This holiday honors the men and the women who died in war to protect the ideals of this great country. They fought for freedom. They died so we could be less afraid.

As we remember them, we recommit to their goals - making us a better country, a kinder country, a smarter country, a country that learns and then moves forward with boldness and optimism.

This has been a hard season. But we have faced worse. We want to/need to take personal responsibility. They did. Our biggest priority should be our health and well-being and the health and well-being of those around us. That means physical and economic health. We are more than capable of figuring out how to do both. Let's choose that option! I hope that you all are in a position to feel empowered to make the right decisions for you and your families as restrictions start to ease.

And I hope that in remembering those who died, you remember to live with courage and thoughtfulness.

Be well!


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Nancy Vepraskas

Nancy Vepraskas is a recognized expert in leadership performance, employee engagement, and culture building. Specializing in the people side of business, Nancy guides leaders in activating change, optimizing talent, and improving processes and strategies to achieve business goals. The results include happier, more motivated employees; heightened customer commitment; and improved bottom-line performance.

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