It's time to make the critical shift from leading the business by yourself to leading an organization of people. At P2Excellence, we help you navigate the uncharted territories of organizational growth with clarity and confidence.
This past Sunday was the Celebration of Easter and a part of the Passover celebration
as well. At the end of the sermon (thank you Kris McDaniel at Trinity Mission), I found myself reflecting on the following thoughts: "Lean into your story and live as a person of courage, a person of substance, a person beloved. Yours is a call to bravery. Live unafraid."
You may be an individual who claims Christianity as your faith. You may be someone called to a different faith tradition. You may be someone who is still figuring it all out. But no matter where you find yourself, you have a story and that story is tied to
a faith about who you are in the world.
It seems to me that it is true that we all need to lean into our story - our individual story and our collective story. We need to learn from it, wrestle with it, love it - living unafraid. What would it take for you to live unafraid? It's something to think about.