It’s time to make the critical shift from leading the business by yourself to leading an organization of people. At P2Excellence, we help you navigate the uncharted territories of organizational growth with clarity and confidence.
Most of us work for someone. We have a boss. A manager. A person who sets much of our agenda, who evaluates our work, and who impacts our day to day livelihood and our long term career. There are days when we come home telling good stories about our boss and more days when we come home with complaints. Our boss isn't helpful, our boss isn't fair, our boss doesn't realize how hard we work or how good we are.
And while that may all be true, I realize that we seldom look at situations through the eyes of the person we work for. We may work for a company, but in truth we work for a person. So just for a few minutes, let's stop and think about your boss.
- What is your boss's career ambition? Can you be counted on to help make that
goal a reality? - What are your boss's strengths? What do they do well? Do you lean into those strengths? Learn from them? Leverage them? Complement them?
- Where does your boss really need you? Do you anticipate needs? Do you step up in thoughtful and considerate ways?
- Do you manage the boss/employee relationship in ways that serve you, your boss, and your company?
- Is the organization in which you serve better off because of the way you work with your boss?
- How would your life change - would your life change - if every day for the next two weeks you said only good things about your boss?
Of course, many of us in the course of our career have had a horrible boss. A boss that is consistently energy depleting or abusive or career limiting is reason enough to seek other employment. Much of our boss frustration is often simply bad habits.
It's easier to complain than figure it out. Easier to look at issues from onlv our point of view and not theirs. Easier to not be intentional about creating strength in the relationship. Complaining every day depletes our soul. We...and they...deserve better.
That's our thought for this Tuesday. We welcome yours.