It’s time to make the critical shift from leading the business by yourself to leading an organization of people. At P2Excellence, we help you navigate the uncharted territories of organizational growth with clarity and confidence.
At the end of the day, all we can ask is that we bring our best self to the endeavor. And hope that in doing so, others will do the same. Easier said than done. Just this week I marveled at one day that sped by inexplicably with multiple accomplishments, and the next day that dragged out without reason.
The concept of bringing your best self to work has been around for a while. And aside from those things out of our control affecting our sense of ‘balance’ to be our best (e.g., biorhythms, barometric pressure from the weather, and even the moon’s cycles affecting our body’s water content), sometimes we just don’t have the wherewithal to bring our best self to work. Why is that? Because certainly we know – it’s more fun to work on the day we are easily striving than suffering through a day feeling defeated.
Today I read a sentence from a blogger I have been following: SilverDisobedience (Reflections for Ageless Living). The blogger spoke of Peace – which I personally know helps me be more creative and more productive. She said, “Peace is a byproduct of concentrating on our daily routine and fulfilling everyday responsibilities to the best of our abilities. That’s it.”
That’s it. Doing today what can be done today. Certainly with a nod to the future – but getting very real about the idea that today “well lived, well served” is the job at hand.
Knowing how to describe ourselves when we are at our best
Without doubt, each of us possesses unique strengths and skills that got us hired in the first place, and that we strive to leverage, optimize and maximize every day at work. However, with all those work/life balance things and intangibles that can get in the way, it’s often necessary to take a moment to re-calibrate. But we can’t adequately or quickly re-calibrate if we don’t know what we are aiming for.
Take a moment to consider the following and to answer:
- When I am at my ‘best self’ at work, I am . . .
What answer surfaced first for you?
Are you at your ‘best self’ when you are:
- Calm and focused
- Well-organized and motivated
- Clearly understand your role and responsibilities
- Collaborating with others to make something great happen
- Adding value, no matter what the task or contribution
- Helping others
- Feeling accomplished
There’s no right or wrong answer, but there IS an answer that feels right to you and has meaning.
There is more to say on this topic, but I’ll save that until next time. Right now, I just ask you – when you are bringing your best self – what positive behaviors, feelings and attitudes do you experience?
I’d love to hear what brings you to “the good stuff”!