Preparing to Listen

by Nancy Vepraskas  - June 22, 2016

It's time to make the critical shift from leading the business by yourself to leading an organization of people. At P2Excellence, we help you navigate the uncharted territories of organizational growth with clarity and confidence.

My guess is that we all have a technique or two that we use when we know we really need to listen. I am curious about what skills and behaviors that you have learned to make you a better listener.

If I've planned for a conversation in which I want to listen more than talk, I will often pick up my knitting. It quiets me. Or in the office, I'lI pick up a pen to take notes - not for future reference, but rather to help me focus. Or on the way to a meeting, I may take a few deep breaths and set my intention, slowing down my heart rate and increasing my curiosity.

We all have times when we want to be really good at listening. What can you share about the things you have learned?

A friend uses an acronym W.A.I.T. - why am I talking? That one always makes me smile. Let me hear from you!

Are you listening to learn?
Am I easy to listen to?

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Your Professional Growth Wheel

Nancy Vepraskas

Nancy Vepraskas is a recognized expert in leadership performance, employee engagement, and culture building. Specializing in the people side of business, Nancy guides leaders in activating change, optimizing talent, and improving processes and strategies to achieve business goals. The results include happier, more motivated employees; heightened customer commitment; and improved bottom-line performance.

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